No, it is never too late to become regular, to have ease in all our bodily functions. The following is a short testimony from a friend in his eighth decade on Planet Earth. His reference to an "Affirmation of Hay" means the great work of Louise Hay. Her book, Heal Your Body, A to Z, is an excellent primer for becoming acquainted with the mind-body connection.
"I have been suffering from constipation for the last ten years. I tried Natureopathy,Homeopathy and Auyarveda, without results. I didn't try Alleopathy as I was warned the medication is addictive.
Last year I mentioned my problem to Bethany and she put me on to "affirmation of Hay" It worked but not to my satisfaction. I have a tendency to hoard. Bethany said my thinking has influenced my body to hoard food and not let go of the waste. She suggested that I give away my old clothes and other things I am holding on to. I did that--Lo! my bowels have become regular. "
My friend is being modest. He has also continued to increase his spirit of giving; now planning on paying the school fees for two children, children who are not related to him by blood. Hoorah for generosity, for regularly letting go of resources...an activity that encourages letting go by the bowels!
Photo of Easter lunch in Hyderabad, at the home of George Reddy. Here, in the kitchen, left to right, with Mary's Aunty, Mary Reddy, me, and Mary's mom, Mrs. George Reddy. Mary is finishing her degree in medicine. Her studies have been sponsored by my husband, another most generous man.
Good Informative Post! Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems that people face in todays world. It is irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels.
ReplyDeleteIt is a result of faulty lifestyle and irregular eating habits. Not including enough leafy and green vegetables,salads etc in the diet, Not having enough roughage or high fiber food in diet, Insufficient intake of water & Excessive intake of animal protein which are difficult to digest.
Constipation Remedies